Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Puzzle to Distract Us From HEFTy Price Tags

With all of the news about the Human Space Exploration Framework Summary and Preliminary Report Regarding NASA’s Space Launch System and Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, I thought I'd write a few pages about them.  Then, I changed my mind and decided to ignore them.  I wanted to have some fun instead, and there is nothing fun about unaffordable HEFT reference missions and unneeded rockets designed by a handful of well-placed members of Congress.

I like puzzles, so I made a word search puzzle at to take my mind off the doom and gloom.

I'm not sure, but I may not have completely succeeded in taking my mind off of the train wreck, though:

C  V  N  S  A  S  E  E
A  L  O  B  L  C  T  H
N  H  I  W  L  S  U  E
C  M  R  R  A  O  K  F
E  P  O  W  T  K  A  T
L  C  Q  S  E  R  A  T
T  V  C  O  S  T  L  Y
E  R  I  M  G  A  U  Q
ares late
bloat mpcv
cancel orion
costly quagmire
esas sls
heft waste


Gaetano Marano said...

over FIVE YEARS and $10 billion LOST to finally propose MY idea of a FAST-SLV:
a rocket that will be ready to fly only after 2016 + delays and costs overruns
unfortunately, the FAST-SLV "was" good FIVE years ago, while, now, it isn't the best choice
this also because the ET is no longer produced, the SSME is too expensive for an expendable rocket, the SRB-5 has more extra dry mass than extra thrust, etc.
in other words, in 2016-2018 we will NOT see any new NASA rocket liftoff from KSC but only a futher $15-25 billion "hole" in NASA budgets

Nora said...

First time reading this thanks for sharing